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4 Ways to Avoid POC Fatigue

4 Ways to Avoid POC Fatigue

Have you considered running a POC to test a turbine optimization solution at your wind plant? In our latest video, watch Sam Tasker, VP of Sales for North America at WindESCo, as he explains how you can consider this important step in a service that may be able to help your business AND how to avoid what we call POC Fatigue.


A POC is a Proof of Concept.

It is the same thing as a demo trial or test to evaluate products and services.

In our time in the wind industry, we’ve witnessed the frustration for the time and resources needed to wade through the overwhelming number of analytics companies offering POCs—what we call POC fatigue.

Here are 4 ways to avoid POC fatigue when considering different wind analytics providers.

  1. First, it’s important to align the providers’ solutions to the critical challenges your business is facing.
    • Focus on the pain and problems that need to be solved.
    • Will the service create a new problem that needs to be solved?
    • Is there a solution that provides the ROI, IRR or NPV that you are looking for?
  2. Second, ask: What is the track record of delivering value from the POC?
    • Many owners complain of undelivered promises with performance improvement after implementation or a never-ending product development plan.
    • In order to avoid this situation, It is critical to understand not only the provider’s track record, but the track record in delivering a specific service for a specific value.
    • Identify and compare the ROI, the AEP or other specific metrics needed vs. what was actually delivered in past experiences.
    • Avoid the flashy first impression. For instance, 10GW under contract may seem nice, but could include reports and other products and services that aren’t applicable to your problem.
    • Demand case studies and customer testimonials.
    • Try to get the comparison to other alternatives as close to Apples to Apples as possible.
  3. Third, compare value delivery vs optics in a POC:
    • For example, many owners have realized that after a performance visualization tool was implemented, that it didn’t actually deliver a return on investment. This begs the question, is a visualization tool really an accepted cost of doing business?
    • For nice visual tools, also understand how it will actually be used by the team and what it does to change behaviors or asset performance?
      • If it doesn’t it may only serve to help build brand image or other visual management.
    • Are the products and services adequately integrated into existing business functions or will it create new ones that add value?
  4. Fourth, evaluate the team & service behind the POC:
    • Are they backed by stable investors with a long-term view?
      • Investors with a short-term view put pressure on their portfolio companies to grow quickly, potentially at the expense of their clients.
    • How long have they been in the industry space?
    • Do they have the experience?
      • For instance, AI and ML alone will not deliver value if they are not used and applied properly with the right data quality and domain expertise.
      • Wind is complicated and experience in the field is critical to incorporate into the use of modern tech tools.

Interested in learning more about how WindESCo is accelerating AEP for the wind industry? Book a meeting with our experts today!

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