WindESCo Blog


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2 min read

Are Lookup Tables Adequate for Real-World Wake Steering Applications?

Cooperative control in wind plants refers to the strategy where multiple wind turbines work together to achieve a shared objective, such as power optimization. Cooperative control is common in nature (e.g., flocks of birds, school of fish, etc.),...

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1 min read

Automatically Correct Yaw Misalignment with WindESCo Swarm™

WindESCo has pioneered the detection of yaw misalignment from high-frequency (HF) SCADA data. However, in many cases implementing yaw misalignment...

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1 min read

Realizing Wake Steering Benefits in Real Time

Despite its invention decades ago, wake steering is still an emerging technology within the industry. There are several reasons for this, including...

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Is Your Warranty Coming to an End? WindESCo can help!

End of warranty (EoW) analytics aims to have a comprehensive review and assessment of the conditions of wind turbine to identify potential issues...

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1 min read

Approaches to Data Driven Predictive Maintenance

In this first installment of our blog series: Building a Reliable and Scalable Predictive Maintenance Strategy, we'll introduce two approaches that...

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1 min read

WindESCo Hits 64

WindESCo now runs 64 individual checks on our Customer’s SCADA to uncover turbine performance anomalies across the entire wind turbine system,...

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2 min read

Uncovering Wind Turbine Performance & Reliability Anomalies using High Speed SCADA

WindESCo looks at high speed data to improve our performance analytic results of wind turbines. We have a recent customer that was concerned that...

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