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Webinar: Finding Untapped AEP at Existing Wind Farms

Webinar: Finding Untapped AEP at Existing Wind Farms

Date: Wednesday April 14, 2021
Time: 3:30 PM Eastern 
Cost: Free of charge
Register at the ACP Website

A leading US-based renewable energy provider, Longroad, sought to improve performance at one of their newly acquired assets, a 58 Turbine plant that historically under-performed. Working with WindESCo, the site saw a 2.5% improvement in their AEP in the first year.  Join us for a webinar to learn more about this case and how WindESCo can unlock wind farm performance.  This event is presented by American Clean Power, and is free to all members and nonmembers. 

Watch the Webinar

Who should attend:
• Power company Asset Managers
• Wind plant O&M professionals
• C-Suite executives at IPPs
• Investors of renewable energy
• Anyone considering M&A activity in renewables

What you’ll learn:
• The common problems that prevent wind plants to meet their energy expectations.
• How Longroad was able to improve AEP on their underperforming assets
• What goes into the process of untapping additional AEP on a turbine, plant or fleet, including working with OEMs.
• How additional AEP can impact long term financial performance for IPPs and investors
• The importance of optimizing wind plants performance on the road to a Net Zero future


Ed Wagner,
CRO, WindESCo (Moderator)
Jeremy Law, VP Commercial Asset Management Longroad Energy
Sam Tasker, VP of Sales, North America, WindESCo

Webinar: Introducing WindESCo Swarm™

Webinar: Introducing WindESCo Swarm™

Date: Tuesday October 26, 2021Time: 9:00 AM Eastern Watch recording on the BrightTalk website

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