The WindESCo Partner Program

Access exclusive opportunities to accelerate AEP and drive increased ROI from wind assets.

What We Do

At WindESCo, our only mission is to improve the AEP of our customers' wind assets — whether they are onshore or offshore, older or newer wind turbines. Our technology is OEM agnostic and our team is world-wide. We are a trusted third party working for power producers, owners and investment funds to accelerate the AEP of their wind assets. We are stronger together; partnering with WindESCo provides more opportunities to capture increased MW from existing wind assets.

Who We Partner With:

  • Technology Partners. WindESCo works with providers of complementary technologies to improve renewable energy performance
  • OEM Partners. Our WindESCo Swarm™ technology is licensable by OEMs to help owners gain 3-5% AEP plant-wide.
  • Service Provider Partners. Service providers partner with WindESCo to offer AEP improvement for their entire fleet.
  • Investment Fund Partners. Renewable energy is one of the most attractive investment opportunities. Partnering with WindESCo has helped differentiate the portfolios of the most successful investment funds by improving asset value.
  • Customers with existing engineering and O&M services. WindESCo partners with our customers to extend their internal services using our AEP solutions to drive 3-5% improvement in the performance of their wind sites and across their portfolios.

Our Partner Agreements

 Partnering with WindESCo allows key stakeholders in the wind industry to create more energy and increase ROI. When you work with WindESCo, we provide critical high-resolution data to unlock wind turbine anomalies and performance. Additionally, we have the measurement solutions (validated by DNV) to confirm that your solution really made a difference in improving AEP.
There are three ways to partner with WindESCo.

Licensing Solutions

WindESCo offers licenses for its technologies to Partners focused on AEP improvement. Our IP is protected and available through agreements in different geographies, market segments, and to large IPPs.

Channel Solutions

WindESCo offers channel solutions to Partners with existing customers and offerings to help you better service your customers. We have agreements for finders fees through integrated Service Level Agreement (SLAs).


WindESCo offers syndication and API interface agreements that allow our services to be embedded into existing solutions like APMs, work order management, ERP and other reporting solutions.



"Asset underperformance hurts project economics. Longroad Energy uses WindESCo's Find, Fix Measure solution to detect and correct underperformance, boosting our project economics. The industry needs successful technology solutions like these."

-Jeremy Law, VP of Commercial Asset Management at Longroad Energy


Partner With Us

 Are you looking for a strategic partner to help you make the most of your wind assets? Fill out the form to introduce yourself. We’ll schedule a session with our Partner team to understand how we can help meet your goals, to describe how we pay our Partners and to discuss real prospects for doing business together.